Did I touch a few sore points with my website manifesto? Good!
No matter how long we’ve been in business online (and I’ve been here since 2002), there is always much to learn and improve upon. I’m planning a complete revamp of my own websites and blog when I migrate them over to WordPress later this year. [Updated May 12, 2009: As you probably noticed, I decided to stick with Typepad, but I did revamp all of the copy on my website.]
If you’re looking to start or revamp a successful website, here are some resources for you:
Lisa Wells, Coast2Coast Business Solutions: Lisa is an e-marketing specialist and a whiz with website templates. She’ll have you up and running with your own online marketing machine in no time. And she can also help you out with updates on an ongoing basis. She does fantastic work!
Sandra De Freitas, Tech Coach for Coaches: Sandra is the author of the upcoming book, “Does this Blogsite make my Wallet Look Fat? How to use a WordPress blogsite to make money, attract clients and gain expert celebrity status.” Sound good? Get her book and do it yourself, or hire her to do it for you. Sandra wrote the book on WordPress – and I should know, I edited it 😉
[Updated June 22, 2008] Sandra’s book is now available from http://wpblogsites.com/.]
[Added May 30, 2008] How could I forget Kenn Schroder? His Client Converter service builds upon his proven track record of helping coaches successfully build an online presence.
[Added June 22, 2008] Or build your own website in a snap with Deb Gallant’s Web Power Tools. No technical knowledge required, I promise!
June Li at ClickInsight: June is a web analytics specialist, and her website is full of great tips for getting the best results from your online efforts.
Robert Middleton’s Website Toolkit (an affiliate link): I haven’t used this resource personally, but it’s been highly recommended by Sandra De Freitas, Kathy Mallary, and other trusted peers.
Please let me know if you have feedback about ANY of these resources that you decide to try.
Help and information is out there and yours for the taking, so let’s see you get that website working for you. And of course, if you need any assistance with writing or editing copy for your successful website, I’m here to help.