At the Wealthy Thought Leader conference in March 2010, I got chills listening to all the talk about "info crap." Was I creating info crap? Worse, have I been helping other people create info crap? I can't do anything about what's out there, but I can say that the crap stops here (I feel like I'm channeling Karri Flatla).
As a Content Starter, having something great to say comes from asking a lot of questions about who your ideal clients are and what they're looking for, and then listening intently to the answers.
As a Content Marketer, having something great to say has to do with continuing to ask and answer the questions your ideal clients care about, and providing them with solutions that are narrower and more specific.
As a Content Master, having something great to say means opening up yourself to a broader audience, and asking yourself questions about whether your message is special enough, meaningful enough and great enough (Charlie Gilkey would call it epic) to launch on a bigger platform.
Content marketing is an incredible tool for connecting more deeply with the people you already know, and for making new connections with the people you were meant to know. Just don't forget the "content" part of the equation. Have something great to say.