I was thinking the other day about how conflict and anger can so often be boiled down to simple fear. One person or a lot of people who are afraid they will lose something they cherish or not get something they covet.
We see it in the house, in the workplace, in the car (!), around the corner and around the world (sadly, just take your pick of stories in the International news).
Writing prompt: Here are some ideas for how you can explore the connection between anger and fear in a coaching article:
- Career coaches: 5 ways to respond calmly to an emotionally-charged conversation at work
- Life coaches: 5 ways to get re-centered instead of lashing out
- Money coaches: The 5 tricks that collection agents use to trigger your emotions and how to rise above them
- Relationship coaches: 5 questions to ask yourself before you confront your spouse in anger
- Parenting coaches: 5 ways to address the real reason for your child's tantrum
- Business coaches: 5 ways to keep business from getting personal
- Marketing coaches: The ethical approach to using scarcity as a marketing strategy
- Spiritual coaches: 10 ways to cultivate faith when you're facing fear