For many coaches and professional speakers, a natural path to choosing a niche is to focus on a solution for a problem they've already overcome in their own life.
If that's true in your case, or if that appeals to you, then creating content can be as easy as looking in your own heart and mind.
I do this when I put on my creativity coach hat (one of my many hats), particularly when I'm helping musicians deal with debilitating performance anxiety (stage fright). This is a challenge that I know very well – when I was in a high school performing arts program, I feared I'd never be able to show the world what I was truly capable of. Because every time I opened my mouth to sing in public, my stage fright blocked my true gifts from shining through.
Over the years I learned many strategies for overcoming stage fright. Particularly when I studied with Louise Montello of Performance Wellness. I put it all together into a guidebook called Preparing for Performance.
I introduced the guidebook with a free article, Breathing Out Stage Fright.
Quick Writing Prompt:
What are you REALLY glad that you know now that you didn't know a year ago? Six months ago? Last month? Last week? Yesterday?
How did you spend your time over the last week? Did you learn anything new that your target market would benefit from knowing? Did you spend time on a learning curve that you could shorten for someone else?
Or, what problem or question is keeping YOU up at night right now? Are you committed to finding the solution? Why not invite your target market along for the journey as you do!
P.S. I find that writing a Top 10 list is one of the easiest ways to generate, organize and structure content when I'm developing a new idea.