Everyone has a time of the day, week, month, season or even year that is their most "fertile" for ideas, creativity and motivation.
In trying to stay active on my blog (I'm aiming for 1-2 posts per week), I'm finding that the best method for me is to notice when I'm "on a roll" of ideas and capture as many as I can all at once.
Sometimes I just jot down a sentence or two and save it as a "draft" post for later. Today, I'm writing and pre-scheduling several blog posts so that they'll be published over the next couple of weeks.
Some people blog so they can have an intimate and interactive conversation with their readers – to share their most immediate thoughts, stories and experiences. A "canned" (pre-scheduled) post just wouldn't work.
I do want to maintain some of that spirit in the Idea Generator, so I'll still be posting spontaneously once in awhile!
But for today, I'm going with my own creative flow and I'm going to get these blog posts written and published while they're coming out of me.
Quick Writing Prompt: When is your "fertile" idea time? How can you make the most of it the next time it comes around? Need some help to generate ideas? Let's talk!