My colleague Alun Richards has written an article illuminating the "Seven Coaching MegaTrends Every Coach Should Be Aware Of."
While I've witnessed these trends taking place, I found it helpful to see them laid out like this.
I'm glad that I can have a role in helping coaches keep up with these trends, such as creating coaching products (MegaTrend 5) and coaching programmes (MegaTrend 6).
MegaTrend 4 is the increased need for niches and differentiation. We talked quite a bit about this in a recent tele-class I taught for mediators in the ADR Practice Builder community, specifically, how to write what your niche wants to read.
For instance, we talked about using the same language that members of your target market would use if they were discussing their problem with a friend. They need to feel understood and that you know their problems inside and out (AND that working with you will lead to the solutions).
This is a topic that Sandra De Freitas and I will be getting more into this fall, in our From Ideas to Income tele-class series (Teleclass #3).