I was flattered when TimeDriver contacted me for an interview about how I use their great service (still FREE to this date), and they recently published my case study. [Update December 22, 2012 – The case study is no longer available from the TimeTrade site.] I truly love this service and it really does save me a lot of time. By far my favourite feature is how it automatically handles time zones based on each user's computer.
Of course now we have to update the case study to reflect my transition to Gcal. There have been a couple of little bumps in how TimeDriver handles my multiple Gmail accounts – right now it's adding one of my secondary Gmail addresses as a guest for every new event that's scheduled. Whooops! [Update: This is actually something that's happening on Google's end, though Liz from TimeDriver Support has been kind enough to follow up with them about it for me.]
Also, though I have my Gcal set up to automatically give me a 10-minute pop-up reminder of every new appointment, events scheduled via TimeDriver don't have this.
Luckily, TimeDriver has a very responsive technical support department (thanks, Liz!) and we are working out these bugs.
In the meantime, I just open up new appointments the minute I receive my email confirmation, so that I can: 1) Remove the extra email address as a guest and 2) Add a pop-up reminder so I'm ready when my clients call.