Welcome to a new feature here at Idea Generator. If I see an interesting news story, I'll suggest article (or blog post) angles for different types of coaches. Please let me know what you think – was this helpful?
The news story I'm using today is one that came out on Monday, titled "Food costs vary widely across Canada, forcing some to forgo healthy choices." [Update December 18, 2012 – Link is no longer active.]
How can you use this news story as inspiration for an article or blog post? Here are some suggestions:
- Health coach: 10 reasons to invest in your health
- Family coach: 10 reasons to make time for dinner together
- Parenting coach: 10 ways to get your kids to eat healthier
- Money coach: 10 ways to find money for what's important
- Clutter coach: 10 ways to organize your pantry and make the most of what you've got
- Career coach: 10 ways to ask for a raise to meet your increasing costs of living
Quick Writing Prompt: Whether or not you actually link to the news story, use these potential topic ideas to brainstorm some of your own.