As I promised Joan Bell in my post about saving water, here are five ways to reduce your carbon footprint as a writer:
- Don’t use a whole sheet when a half will do. For my idea catchers, I use a small memo pad of lined paper, and I tear each sheet in half.
- Recycle your shredded paper. Whether you’re protecting your own ideas, or you’re like me and you’re writing for clients, make sure to recycle what you shred. If your local shredding service won’t do small pick ups, pool together with other business owners to organize a pick up at your regular networking or association meeting, and share the costs.
- Print sparingly. Install the free GreenPrint World program. It helps you save ink by not printing images or extra pages you don’t need.
- Recycle your printer cartridges. When I purchase a new cartridge, I can use the same box to dispose of the old one properly.
- Declare a computer-free day. This not only helps YOU to rest and recharge, it reduces the energy drain your computer draws from the grid every other day. David Suzuki has more power-saving tips.
What green writing strategies or other green business tips can you share? Write a comment below!