At an IABC Toronto event last week, I heard Jerry Stevenson of Buck Consultants speak about Practical Tips for Business Blogs. The talk was geared to communication and public relations professionals working for corporations (most of whom were new to blogging), and I still found lots to take away.
[Update December 9, 2012 – according to his website, Jerry is now with Baylour Healthcare System]
One of the most interesting points he shared was a trust study done by Edelman, an international PR firm. [Update December 9, 2012 – This resource is no longer available from the original link]
The study revealed that people all over the world now find "a person like me" the most credible source of information – more credible than doctors or academic experts.
It's another take on the idea I explored when I asked, "Are you a member of your target market?", and is really helpful to remember when you're writing for your niche.
Quick Writing Prompt: What's one way to reach out to members of your target market and let them know you're just like them? What language can you use? How can you write differently? Who do YOU trust as a source of information and why? What did that person do to gain your trust?