Here are the most recent guest posts I have written for other sites around the web. If you want to receive all of my latest posts by email, click here to subscribe to the Blogging Tips newsletter.
Why I Wish More Restaurants Were Blogging
Being social on sites like Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter is important and valuable, but that’s the equivalent of handing out samples at a big food fair. Right after they consume your sample (your message on social media), readers are likely to encounter another interesting delicacy and may soon forget all about you. Compare that to the impact you can have when someone actually walks through your doors.
Blog posts bring readers back to your website, where you control their reading experience. Read my guest post for Brand Education Services for the five specific reasons I wish more restaurants were blogging.
12 Most Comforting Truths to Soothe an Overwhelmed Blogger
Have you tried blogging but didn’t get positive results so you gave up? Is an abandoned blog waving a red flag about your credibility every time a visitor lands on your website? Have you thought about blogging but it just seems too complicated?
Before you give up on the idea of blogging for your business, there are 12 soothing truths in my latest guest post at 12 Most.
[Update June 19, 2016: The 12 Most site has been taken down, so I’ve republished this post here at Content Mastery Guide: 12 Cures for Blogging Overwhelm.]