Mary Wollard is an attorney/mediator, and we met following a tele-class series I did for the members of Dina Lynch’s ADR Practice Builder community in the summer of 2007. Now a long-term editing client, Mary tells me that since we’ve been working together, she has so much more confidence and enthusiasm about writing.
She loves to write and has no shortage of great ideas, but in the past she’s always been held up by worries about the quality of her writing.
Now, she just writes (and writes, and writes), with the confidence and reassurance that another set of eyes will go over her blog posts before she publishes them.
Mary specializes in co-parenting issues following divorce, and her articles are amazing! Her blog is at Have a look, and please pass it along to anyone who could benefit from her sage wisdom.
When I asked Mary about the difference it makes having me as her editor, she had this to say:
"It is such a relief to know that I can concentrate on getting my ideas down and not on perfecting the final product. Linda’s edits are always so thoughtful and make everything I write more readable without changing the original intent or flavor. Having Linda on my team is an essential part of my business plan."