If you're constantly getting article ideas and you have a system for keeping track of them, you'll have no trouble with the consistency of your article marketing. But if your idea catcher is empty, it's time to schedule a brainstorming session.
Brainstorming can happen in marathon sessions by yourself or with a coach or buddy, as conversations or surveys with your readers, on article dates, retreat days or whenever you happen to think of an idea and jot it down in your idea catcher.
Get your creative juices going by waking up all of your senses. For example, I find that the flow of water usually triggers the flow of my creativity. At the very least, clear your mind of other pressures or activities, set the intention to brainstorm, and ask for the ideas you're looking for.
Structures are key if you're feeling stuck for ideas. These may include writing prompts, fill-in-the-blank templates (Style Guide readers, don't forget about the Essay Article Generator – see Chapter 26 for details) or an editorial calendar.