A month or two ago, a woman approached me with her idea for a book. She had been through a pretty hard time.The man she fell in love with and married was married before. Her new husband’s ex-wife had some issues with the way things turned out, and made no secret of it.
Some of the stories my client has told me are pretty shocking. And she could be mad, she could even be vengeful. But she’s not. In fact, she’s one of the most accepting and loving people I’ve ever met. She’s truly used the experience to draw on her resources and inner strength, and to forge a strong partnership and relationship with her husband.
Now, she wants to turn her experiences into something that can help other women who are going through the same thing.
The purpose of her upcoming book, “Surviving the Ex-Wife,” is to be a supportive, empowering, fun (wait until you read about the “sexfest”!) and helpful resource for the woman who is having a challenging relationship with her partner’s ex.
To increase the value of this resource, we’re now looking for outside contributions because we know there are many lessons to be learned and shared. So we’re looking to interview both other “second wives,” as well as relationship experts.
And that’s where YOU come in!
Do you have real life experience being a “second wife”? You don’t have to be married, but you do need to have faced some challenges with your partner’s former wife.
Or are you a relationship expert, such as a coach, therapist, mediator or counsellor, with specific experience healing these types of relationships?
Thank you! We will greatly value your contribution! Second wives, your name won’t be used and you don’t even have to give it to us. Experts, if your ideas are selected for the book, we will also print your bio and contact information.
Please don’t delay – this book needs to get out into the world to do it’s work. The survey will close on December 21, 2007.
And if you have a life experience that deserves to be a book, let’s do it!