For Immediate Release
Linda Dessau, author of Write Your Way to More Clients Online, helps business owners write blog posts. Her Content Mastery Action Club meets monthly by phone for an "Action Day" of learning and writing. In between, members can access a library of resource materials as well as editing services.
A recent HubSpot study shows that companies that blog attract 55% more website visitors than non-blogging companies (source: That's no surprise to Dessau. "People are online everyday looking for solutions to their problems," she explains, "Service businesses are uniquely positioned to publish quality information to fill that need. And in the process, they build trust, credibility and relationships with prospective clients."
It's called content marketing, and Dessau has been doing it since 2003. In fact, she has met the vast majority of her editing and writing clients through her own content marketing efforts.
Not everyone sees the same results. "Today anyone can instantly publish new content online, and that's both a blessing and a curse." Dessau warns that content marketing can work against you if prospective clients are turned off by typos or confusing grammatical errors.
She recommends that business bloggers proofread carefully, reading each post out loud before publishing. Members of her Action Club can have their new blog posts professionally edited each month, providing both accountability and peace of mind.
"Under Linda’s guidance, I feel much more focused, relaxed, original and organized, and less overwhelmed about the writing process," shares Action Club member Joellyn Wittenstein Schwerdlin, "I now have the confidence to expand my once-a-month newsletter to 4-5 monthly blog posts, which I'm planning for 2011."
Action Days happen on the second Thursday of every month, and new members are admitted all month long.
For more information:
Email: linda [at]
Phone: 705-737-3491
Linda Dessau is an editor, writer and writing coach, certified by the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). She created the "You Talk, I'll Write" service in July 2005 to combine her passion for coaching with her gift for writing. She launched in May 2010.