A comprehensive blogging plan is the foundation of blogging success. Why not let your senses guide you through the process?
Look – Is your blog built right into your website? If so, you've probably already made your decisions about colours, design and layout that will just carry over from the website to the blog. If you're planning a blog that's separate from your website (as some people recommend), just make sure it's not too cool to read.
Feel – Look at some of the blogs you like and notice their tone of voice, language and approach. Determine your own ideal balance between expertise (positioning yourself as an expert with "how to" articles and thought leadership pieces) and experience (sharing relatable stories – either your own or those of your clients). Decide what you would like your readers to gain from visiting your blog.
Listen - Who are you best suited to help? What are those particular people looking for? What are they talking about? What questions are they asking you? Focus on the most relevant topics and write every post as though you were speaking directly to one of your ideal clients.
Taste – Give prospective clients and referral sources a taste of the valuable content you have to offer. Post teaser questions on your social networks, along with links to your blog posts. Help them get to know you better, by writing authentically about what you know best.
Smell – How can you make sure your blog doesn't stink? Here are the two most important ways:
- Keep posting new content (hint: try these 10 secrets to blogging consistently). Even the best ideas will start to rot if you let them pile up in the corner.
- Take pride in what you post on your blog so that it represents your business professionally (hint: you can let go of perfectionism while still saving some blogging time for the editing stage of the process).