How do you choose service providers for your business?
You may start with a Google search. You’ll likely ask friends, family and trusted colleagues for referrals. You may also scroll through your Rolodex of contacts and connections, including the things they’ve posted or shared on social media.
The ideal scenario is when the same name pops up in several of these places – definitely a sign to move forward. Next you’ll probably visit the company’s website to get a sense of who they are and what they offer.
Now what if a business owner is looking for your professional service, whether that’s coaching, consulting, marketing, design, website development, training accounting or bookkeeping? What will they find when they arrive at your website?
If there is a blog (and you’ve been posting consistently), they’ll find evidence of your expertise, experience and professionalism, and your genuine desire to help and connect.
Here are six ways that a blog helps customers choose your professional service:
- Boosts their confidence in you. When you write helpful blog posts that share information, tips and guidance about their most pressing concerns, your prospective customers see that you know your stuff. When you blog and post regularly on social media, they see that you’re a reliable and dedicated professional.
- Boosts their confidence in themselves. When people try out the tips and suggestions in your blog posts and achieve some success, they feel good! And you made them feel that way. When it’s time to recruit some professional assistance, they’ll feel good about choosing you as that expert.
- Helps them get to know you. There may be other people who do what you do, but no one who does it exactly the same way. You have a unique combination of experience and expertise. When you bring both into your writing, along with your one-of-a-kind personality, you will attract the people who are perfectly suited to you. And just as importantly, you will repel the people who aren’t a good fit.
- Helps you get to know them. As you grow your audience of readers – including current and prospective customers, referral sources, friends and fans – you can learn from their responses (and just as much from their lack of response). If people open, like, share, and respond to what you’ve posted, you’re on the right track and you can keep doing what you’re doing. If not, that’s an invitation to do some blog planning.
- Gives a sample of your services. By writing about your prospective customers’ problems and suggesting solutions, you’re demonstrating some of the ways you can help. Readers will see firsthand the wealth of knowledge that you bring to the table.
- Gives a sample of your service. When you treat readers as customers, you can show them that you’re quick to respond to feedback and questions, you care about the quality of your work, and that you’re consistent with your follow through.
In a crowded marketplace, blogging can show prospective customers exactly what you know, who you are, and how you care.
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