Here are the most recent guest posts I have written for other sites around the web. If you want to receive all of my latest posts by email, click here to subscribe to the Blogging Tips newsletter.
Five Blogging Resolutions You Can Actually Keep
If you’re very new to blogging for business, or you’re trying to regain your footing after an unsuccessful attempt, here are five gentle actions to try:
- Post more often than you’re posting now
- Break blogging down into separate tasks
- Proofread every post before publishing
- Add a photo to every post
- Share each new post in at least two places
Visit SteamFeed now to read more details about how to carry out these resolutions and improve your business blogging.
Blogging Lessons from Freddy Krueger: A Litmus Test for Blog Post Ideas
Are you expecting readers to be as comfortable with your topic as you are? If so, your blog topic ideas might be more for you than for them.
Visit Right Mix Marketing now to read the post and learn more about the one simple question you can use to evaluate your blog post ideas.
I think it’s a good idea to add several photos to blog posts. If you want those shares a new blogger must optimize for people, not search engines. That means well illustrated content, nice photos, maybe even embedded Youtube videos. A beginner can get up to speed pretty fast if they have someone helping them.
I coach local businesses on this sort of thing and many seem to think they are not “technical” enough. They don’t realise that the trick to blogging comes from being informative, educational, useful and interesting.
I see small biz owners blog like it’s a newspaper advert. They think it is a free billboard, but this puts consumers off. It is a transparent aggressive sales pitch and no one will share it unless it grabs them in some way.
Forget about money long enough to write something with the reader’s best interest at heart. That is where the magic happens. Checkout “Victory Autoglass” on Social Media Examiner for a successful case study of a small business leveraging great content. Just don’t give away devastating business trade secrets, or *too* informal because you’ll undermine yourself from the customer’s point of view.
Hi Darren,
Thank you for your comment and additional tips for business owners. I agree that it’s a real detractor when companies use their blog only to sell and promote.
Here is a link to that great case study you reference – valuable lessons here for local businesses who want to be more effective with social media.