Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted, I’ve been busy!!
I’m gearing up today for today’s tele-class with Sandra De Freitas, #2 in our From Ideas to Income series.
Today’s topic is “I don’t see how it could possibly help my business,” and we’ll discuss how writing can make you THE expert in your field, help you build relationships with potential clients and increase your income!
Sign up for this class and check out the series at From Ideas to Income.
Last night I attended my first IABC Toronto event – that’s the International Association of Business Communicators. As I learned, Toronto is actually their biggest chapter. The speaker was Jerry Stevenson of Buck Consultants, who spoke about Practical Tips for Business Blogs.
Jerry had some great ideas for this (mostly) uninitiated audience. But I definitely learned a few things, too, and I’ll be posting about some of them in the next week or so.
I think I’ll stick with IABC’s AIP meetings (Alliance of Independent Practitioners, renamed Professional Independent Communicators (PIC)), where I’ve met many kindred spirits, and it’s just so nice to be in a room with other freelance writers. Especially when some of them are also web-savvy, like Donna Papacosta.