Earth Hour is this Saturday, March 28th at 8:30 p.m.
I’m proud that so many Canadians and Torontonians have committed to participate in this year’s event.
Last year, I attended a concert by Acoustic Harvest, and the performers sang and played unplugged and by candlelight for the entire hour. It was beautiful!
My plans for Earth Hour 2009
This year, I was invited to participate in the York in Concert Black Tie Gala, as alumni of the acapella group Wibijazz’n (now usually known as Wibi). The concert is a celebration of York University’s 50th anniversary.
I have no control over how or if the organizers of this event will honour Earth Hour, but I do have power over the electricity use in my apartment.
Now, I don’t want to leave Chyna home alone in the dark. While I know she supports Earth Hour as much as I do, I think she would be a little sad observing it without me.
So before I leave for the concert I will turn off MOST of the lights (as I usually do), PLUS I will unplug all of my home electronics to eliminate the phantom power that they draw even when they’re turned off.
Who knows – it’s an early concert and I live close to the campus – maybe I will even be home to join in before Earth Hour is over. The good news is that I can continue my efforts to conserve energy every day. Will you join me?
Update: At Saturday night’s concert, there was a note in the program that to offset the power they used to produce the concert (calculated by a third party, Toronto’s carbonzero), York University would be planting trees on campus later in the season.