When one of my clients told me he was glad we weren't writing an article about gratitude for his November newsletter, I wondered if any other coaches were getting tired of the topic.
Of course there's nothing wrong with aligning your articles with traditional holiday themes, that's a great article marketing strategy! You might even branch out into some non-traditional or lesser-known holidays.
But if you're looking to cultivate your creativity in your article marketing efforts, here are some other November topic ideas you can adapt to your own target market:
- Career coaches: How to go away without going crazy: 5 things you must do before and after a vacation
- Life coaches: The leaves are showing their true colours – how can you show yours?
- Parenting coaches: How to keep your kids active in colder weather
- Business coaches: It's never too early for next year's business plan!
- Spiritual coaches: How to see the goodness in every person around your holiday table
Writing prompt: Use these article titles to spark an idea that will interest your particular readers.