One thing I know about article marketing is that the more you write and the more consistently you publish, the easier it gets, the more confident you feel, the more you have to write about, the more value you have to offer, and the more credible you are.
Those are results you simply will not get by publishing an occasional article here and there. And that's why I put together the 10-Article Package for the Done For You Giveaway in April.
When Shelly Moorman of Head and Heart Parenting found out she had won the grand prize, she was excited, to say the least 🙂
"Working with Linda on her “You Talk I Write” offering was a magical experience. She was able to capture my knowledge on paper with ease and accuracy that truly reflected my voice and style.
I needed a "pink spoon" on my website as a way to invite people to join my mailing list so I could keep in touch with them. Otherwise I knew that any increased traffic I got from article marketing would be wasted.
Linda graciously altered the original prize package so that with her help I was able to publish my 1st 5 articles in an article directory, AND publish a professional special report on my website. Linda was extremely professional to work with and I would highly recommend her to any business owner. Linda, thanks again for your wonderful, fabulous prize package."
It was such a pleasure to watch Shelly build up her collection of articles and gain more and more confidence in her article marketing skills.