We all have our own preferred learning style. Personally, I prefer reading (are you surprised?) to audio. I enjoy live tele-classes, but not recorded ones. I recently took my first webinar and LOVED it, I was very engaged!
If I’m on a tele-class, I prefer to have a written handout in front of me so I can be reading the information while I’m hearing it.
I think that’s also why I’m such a good note-taker. By taking notes it’s like I’m simultaneously creating my preferred learning environment – seeing the words on the page or on the screen, instead of just hearing them.
I tried an online test and came out very high as a verbal (linguistic – spoken or written words) learner, and also aural (music and sounds – again, no surprise there!). The test also showed I’m a little more solitary than I am social.
This North Carolina State University article breaks down learning styles in another interesting way – active vs. reflective, sensing vs. intuitive, visual vs. verbal and sequential vs. global.
I encourage people who have audio products or tele-classes to combine them with a written document in order to reach people with different learning styles. We appreciate it when you do!!
Cristina Favreau hired me to help her do just that, and she talked about that in this story.
Quick Writing Prompt: How can you expand your product funnel to reach people with different learning styles? How can you help your clients and readers to better understand and benefit from your materials? And if you’re already writing, try adding audio!
Tuck, The Rebel Belle says
Hi Linda…here were my results:
High on Solitary and Social (no wonder I feel bi-polar sometimes), Average on physical, aural and logical and lowest on visual and verbal. Wonder if this is how come I don’t believe what I see or hear necessarily but go with how I feel…after a long logical and not so logical discussion with myself about it. This was fun!