Specifically, how many articles will you write that address the problems of your ideal clients? I guess that depends on how much growth you would like to see in your business!
Well-written, targeted articles have the power to generate a following of people who need the exact solutions that you provide.
By consistently keeping in touch over time with this great content, you are providing value that will help build a long-lasting, trusting relationship with your newsletter subscribers and blog readers. And that means they will be much more receptive when you offer to help them further with your paid services.
That's one powerful marketing tool! And that's why I've been bringing you so much information about this topic lately.
Sometimes having the information isn't enough
I know that some of you have been reading my Article Marketing Fundamentals articles and applying the tips right away. And I know that some of you haven't. I really don't want any of you to miss the boat on this essential marketing strategy!
Here's what my birthday wish contest winner had to say about her recent content strategy session:
"After my Article Marketing Strategy session, I was excited about new prospects and immediately began brainstorming about ideas to write about, as well as how to focus my business. I feel that I have so much more to go on than I did prior to the call. I now have direction for my efforts. Thank you for the session, Linda!" – Lydia Dean-Reese
Please contact me today to see how I can help.