Do you wake up with ideas in the middle of the night? Think of them while you’re driving? Scribble them on loose pieces of paper all over your house and office?
A blog is GREAT solution for idea overwhelm. You can create a blog for either public or private viewing, and use categories to organize your ideas and have them all saved in one place.
In fact, when you choose a Pro membership at TypePad, you can create an unlimited number of blogs. If you wear as many hats as I do, you might find that useful.
Tip: If you’re already blogging in TypePad, use the “Configure” –> “Preferences” tabs to set-up your “Posting Status” to “Draft” (versus “Publish Now”). That means that, by default, new posts are saved as drafts. This way you won’t inadvertently publish your your scribbles for the world to see.
So when bursts of inspiration occur, you can store them away to reach for at times when your muse gets quieter or the rest of your life gets louder.
Quick Writing Prompt: Create a list of categories for the different topics you’d like to write about. Whether you’re using a blog, plain old folders or another system, group your ideas together and keep them straight. See what ideas are sparked just by creating a space for them.
Linda Dessau says
Here’s another idea for dealing with idea overwhelm.
Set aside some of your “prime time” – you know, when you’re fresh, perky and creative and you’ve got lots of ideas – for brainstorming about the different projects you’re working on.
Thanks to Jan Wallen from for that tip!