Look no further than the telephone for your next article or blog post idea.
It’s your client calling
For instance, imagine that your favourite client is calling in later today for a meeting with you. What topic do you secretly hope that she or he will want some guidance about?
Oh, I know – it’s the client’s agenda that counts, and all of that. But look deep and notice what topics feel more exciting to you than others because you can’t WAIT to hear what comes out of your mouth when you talk about it.
Write about that!
It’s your long-lost relative calling
Of course, the inevitable question, "So, what are you doing these days?"
When you gave your answer, what new points of clarity did you notice when you were invited to explain your business to someone outside of your niche group?
Where was the "juice" or excitement when you described the specific problems that you help your clients to solve?
It’s your best friend calling
Here’s another call you may have had. You took your "coach hat" off and you were just having a casual chat with your best friend. What brilliant ideas or solutions did you offer for a problem they were facing?
Quick Writing Prompt: Think back to one of those conversations or imagine a future conversation, and capture those gems in writing!
Another great article Linda..I’m printing it out to use for my early morning Sunday coffee exercise…thank you!!
Thanks, Tuck, I’m always glad to be invited over for coffee…..