Chyna’s greyhound rescue group, Greyhounds in Need of Adoption (GiNA for short), just got an incredible website makeover. I can’t say that I had anything to do with it (unfortunately), but I am very impressed.
Here’s what I love about the new site:
First off, it’s fun and interactive. While I don’t generally have much patience for websites I have to wait for (while they load), in this case it was definitely worth it.
Secondly, the site immediately engages the visitor in a relationship with “the product” – as soon as you arrive at the site you will be greeted immediately by a greyhound ambassador.
Finally, the website leads the visitor on a logical path to learn exactly what they need to know in order to take action, and gives them plenty of opportunities along the way to take a short cut to their next step.
Are you ready to see the site? Wait, first I want to show you the old GiNA site at While it was enough to hook ME, I was already pretty sold on the idea of a greyhound and really just needed the instructions for how to proceed. [Update December 24, 2012 – The old site is no longer available from that link. Trust me, the new one is a lot better!]
Here’s what the new GiNA website looks like at
Way to go GiNA (and Proximity Canada)!
So what do you think of this website makeover? More importantly, what do you think of these amazing dogs? (OK, I am a little bit biased.)