I’ve been a Platinum expert author at Ezine Articles since March 2005. In that time, my articles have generated a combined total of over 100,000 page views. It also led to more website traffic and newsletter subscribers.
I interviewed Chris Knight [update December 8, 2012 – this interview is no longer available], the owner of Ezine Articles, to find out more about what makes this site such a useful tool for business owners. He also has a list of benefits on the site.
When I “Google” my own name, I also get to see just how far and wide my ideas have spread. My articles have been reprinted on countless other websites and in other newsletters (both print and online).
I also created a “Google Alert” for my own name, so I can see when my articles are published in new places.
Submit your first article to Ezine Articles now. If you’ve done that, great! Make sure to keep up with it. You won’t be promoted to Platinum Author status until 10 of your articles have been accepted.