If you’re like me and many other wellness bloggers, you likely have a collection of partially-written blog posts. Some may need just a bit of tweaking, others need a complete overhaul, and others just simply need a bit more time and TLC.
In a previous post I introduced Alex Raymond from Rebecca Bitzer & Associates and Empowered Eating, and learned more about her role as editor and blog coordinator.
In a follow up message, she shared these additional insights about how she motivates her team of writers to finish their posts so she can get them up on the site.
Would you rather write a blog post or do your taxes?
I like to remind people about the difference between ‘shoulds’ and ‘wants.’ Writing a blog post has to be a ‘want.’ This means that you are looking forward to doing it and can’t wait to get your words down on paper! Your head and heart are shouting “YES!”
Shoulds, on the other hand, have the opposite feeling, like thinking, “Man, I should probably do my taxes today.”
If you find that you’re dreading writing a blog post, you might want to reassess the topic. Maybe it’s something you’re not really feeling right now. Can you start fresh or take the post in a different direction?
Note from Linda: Here are my 12 reasons to scrap a post and start a new one.
Little by little, the blog post gets done
In terms of finding time, I recommend people start little by little. Do you think you can carve out 30 mins each week to write? Even if you don’t finish your post, at least you have something started!
I actually spend 10-15 minutes each morning writing. I might get only a few sentences done OR I could finish a whole post, depending on how I’m feeling, But I can remind myself that at least I’m moving somewhere.
Note from Linda: A daily blogging approach works best for me as well, though I certainly don’t always adhere to it perfectly.
Confidence comes to those who write
One of the reasons people avoid working on their blog posts, they tell me, is that they’re not sure what they’ve written is good enough. What was Alex’s take on that?
The more you write, the more confident you will feel in your writing. You’re bound to figure out your own style and what truly inspires you!
Note from Linda: I totally agree! Here are five ways to boost your blogging confidence.
The next time you feel a pang of blogging guilt because it’s been awhile since you posted, try Alex’s tips for getting one of those posts finished.