Curious why I haven’t posted since March 2018? Visit LD Editorial to see what I’ve been doing.
Since reading this post about seeing your blog as a library, I’ve been thinking about the library I’ve created here at Content Mastery Guide. I’m very proud of the content I’ve produced, yet I sometimes wish it was easier and quicker for you to get your blogging questions answered.
Yes, there is a search bar and a categories list (the most essential ingredients of an effective blog sidebar), but I wondered if I could help you even more. (When I tackled this question in 2011 I came up with this roadmap for CMG readers.)
Three blogging lessons from the CMG library (2007-2018)
I decided to identify the three core messages about blogging that I’ve found myself repeating over and over again through the years, and the ones I most want you to understand.
Next, I rounded up my very best posts and resources that reinforce those lessons, and gathered them for you here in one easy-to-use collection that will greet new and returning blog readers for years to come.
(1) Blogging works
- Three Ways to Turn a New Blog Post Into a New Local Client – Without Google!
- 6 Ways Blogging Helps Customers Choose Your Service
- 9 Most Illuminating Ways Blogging Can Spotlight Your Wellness Clinic
(2) Blogging is easier than you think
- How to Always Know What to Blog About
- How to Turn One Great Idea Into a Series of Future Blog Posts
- When You Blog Daily You Can Publish Regularly
(3) Blogging takes planning and commitment
- The Four-Step Wellness Blogging Plan
- How to Manage Your Blogging Tasks
- When You Show Up For Your Blog, You Show Up For Your Clients
Content Mastery Guide is now LD Editorial (Oct 2022)
I’ve shared previously about some changes in my business, and the uncertainty that comes along with that. While I tried to keep blogging even through that confusion, I decided to step away for three months in March 2018, which coincided with my upcoming wedding and honeymoon.
I made no pledges or promises about what to expect from me. Instead, I wanted to stay open to seeing how things unfolded.
What I ultimately decided was to stop posting new content on this blog and to stop sending the Blogging Tips newsletter.
You will still be able to access the Content Mastery Guide library and its archive of almost 650 posts. I have no plans to take down this blog. And because this is the post readers will see first when they visit, it will be clear why and when I stopped posting.
I’ll also be shifting the focus of my business away from writing and content marketing, and towards editing and ghostwriting memoirs and self-help books.
Please visit LD Editorial to learn more. Until then, happy writing!