The Barrie Business Week 2015 conference took place last week at Georgian College.
Web presence
Tuesday’s focus was on web presence, including a plenary session with three experts and an intensive working session with the expert of our choice. I joined Marc Hill from Digital Giants for “Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Web Presence and Cultivating Your Online Community.”
Marc was one of the first Barrie business owners I connected with on Twitter, even before I moved.
Tks for the follow @lindadessau and welcome to the city I currently call home. Look forward to meeting you.
— Marc Hill (@mhill) July 30, 2010
Here are my highlights from Marc’s session, along with useful tips from other speakers at the conference:
Social media
It’s no surprise that social media was a hot topic at Barrie Business Week. Mark Schaefer, Wednesday’s keynote speaker, says it best in the subtitle of his book Social Media Explained: Untangling the World’s Most Misunderstood Business Trend.
Here are some of the most helpful insights from Mark and others:
One of the breakout sessions I attended on Wednesday was “Share Mindpower: Boost Creativity for Success,” all about how to optimize and tap into the creativity of a team. Here are my highlights:
Tidbits from the trenches
The Barrie Business Week conference closed with the Presidents’ Panel, featuring four successful business leaders from the Barrie area. They had incredible insights to share, and I really appreciated their honesty, humility (not one of them had a straight path of progress) and humour.
Here is my final collection of gems about success in business:
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