I write and edit materials for coaches, speakers, mediators and organizers because the world needs you and I want you to succeed.
That’s why I’m taking a stand against websites that are:
C’mon, already! This is one step you simply can’t skip. You can put it off, a little, if you’re new. You may even need to wait until your niche or target market finds YOU. But be on the lookout, know it’s coming, and make it your goal to define your niche as soon as you can.
Andrea Lee, author of Multiple Streams of Coaching Income and co-author of Money, Meaning and Beyond, is co-leading an upcoming tele-summit about the hottest coaching specialties.
If you’re being held captive by your website designer or your website host and you can’t update your content easily or inexpensively, start taking action to make a change – now!
Write a blog, post articles, do
Here are the TWO KEY THINGS missing from an unsuccessful website:
1. An opportunity to stay in touch with you by signing up for your mailing list. As Sandra De Freitas points out in her upcoming book, unsuccessful websites are like one-way conversations. Don’t let your visitors disappear without establishing an ongoing connection and an opportunity for conversation.
2. Clear, straight-forward instructions for the actions your visitors should take while they’re at your site. Of course, their main action will be to sign-up for your mailing list. And what’s next? If you don’t know, they won’t know. And if you don’t direct them, they won’t do it.
For more simple tips to improve your website, please re-visit my blog post, “Top 5 Ways to Make Your Website Work for You,” and watch for the upcoming post, “Website Help.”
Karri Flatla says
I agree Linda! The technology is so easy, so accessible, and so CHEAP now that there really is no excuse to have a stinker of a website! Even people who say they “can’t write” have something to say 😉