Twitter – networking, procrastinating or both?
Well, the jury is still out on whether Twitter will improve or degrade my productivity. The first few days have revealed it's addictive nature AND it's amazing capacity to shrink the world. I feel my relationships with my online colleagues deepening – and some of them I have known for years via email.
And I'm feeling more in relationship to other colleagues who I've known "by name only" up until now. Plus I've met plenty of new people. To borrow from a wise phrase, a stranger is just a tweeter (twitter-er? twit?) you haven't met yet.
Social networking as a marketing tool
If you're looking to dip your feet into the social networking pool, Nancy Marmolejo (@NancyMarmolejo) has some great social networking tips here. And next week's client story in the Idea Generator blog will feature Kristen Beireis (@life_enthusiast) and her new social networking paper.
For a more in-depth look at Twitter and how to use it, check out Jennifer Laycock's article (@JenniferLaycock). [Update December 15, 2012 – Jennifer's Twitter account seems to have changed so I removed the link.]
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