I was just “tagged” by Christina Favreau, who has asked me to share 5 favoutite websites. The rules of the tag are:
- MUST be clean. No R rated sites.
- Only FIVE links.
- MUST tell 5 people.
- A link back to the person who tagged you
- Lara’s Place [Update December 8, 2012 – Lara’s Place website is no longer active] is the meme originator
The 5 Web Resources I Use the Most as a Writer and Editor are:
- Data Deposit Box – continually backs up the newest versions of all my client projects, as well as anything else I’ve created or revised since the last back up
- Ezine Articles – premiere article bank website
- Copywriting tips from Copyblogger
- The Ezine Queen’s Magic Text Formatter – formats content to 65-characters per line – GREAT for text-only emails [Update December 8, 2012 – this resource is no longer available
- Typepad – I use their basic templates for this blog, their advanced templates for my website, and now that they’ve introduced the “Add page” feature, I’m encouraging people to use Typepad to create simple websites that are very affordable and easy to maintain
My next task is to “tag” 5 other bloggers and ask them for THEIR 5 favourite web resources. Here goes:
- Sandra De Freitas of Tech Coach for Coaches.
- Donna Papacosta of Trafalgar Communications.
- Kathy Mallary of SpiritSpring Coaching.
- Felicia Slattery.
- Dina Lynch, the Mediation Mensch [Update December 8, 2012 – Dina is no longer blogging as the Mediation Mensch, but you can catch her at Speak Up Powerfully.
Cristina Favreau says
Linda, thanks so much for accepting my ‘tag’.
I’m glad you posted these resources… I remember you recommended Data Deposit Box on the NCC group not so long ago and I researched them. They look pretty good. Are they Canadian? I’ve saved the link to my Favorites so I don’t lose the link again.
BTW, I’m loving your blog. Please don’t give it up!!
Felicia Slattery says
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the tag to my blog! It’s fun to be able to add a little something unexpected to the blog. BTW– I have been hearing great things about your work!
Linda Dessau says
Hey Cristina, no problem, it was fun!
Data Deposit Box isn’t Canadian, but I don’t hold it against them 😉
Thanks for the kind words about the blog!
Linda Dessau says
Hi Felicia,
Thanks! Can’t wait to check out YOUR fav 5 sites!
And no wonder my ears have been burning……
Karin says
Hi there, I LOVE this game of tagging. Who invented it? A fun way of networking and getting to know new websites and their owners.
Best regards,
Karin Vrij
Linda Dessau says
Thanks, Karin! Yeah, the “blog tag” was really fun!