I was recently challenged by Andrea J. Lee and other esteemed thought leaders to take a stand in my business. And not only that, but to hold myself, my readers and my clients accountable for staying aligned with that vision.
The first result (there WILL be others) is this Content Creation Manifesto, delivered in seven parts. As I publish each part, I will add the links to the titles below.
P.S. I borrowed this format from Leesa Barnes, who shared a wonderful example of a strong manifesto. Thanks, Leesa!
Content Creation Manifesto #1 – You need to be writing
Content Creation Manifesto #2 – Writing is coaching
Content Creation Manifesto #3 – Good writing is pointless
Content Creation Manifesto #4 – Self-care is not an option
Content Creation Manifesto #4b – It’s all been said before (added Jan 27, 2011)
Content Creation Manifesto #5 – Some people won’t like you
Content Creation Manifesto #6 – Spelling counts
Content Creation Manifesto #7 – Automation is personal
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